Through body/soul/spirit nourishment, we release tension, dissolve stagnation, and cultivate an awakened inner state, which positively impacts our vibration in the world.
Fluid Freedom: For stirring creativity
At times, we feel dried up or flooded and simply need to realign ourselves within our fluid nature. This session offers movement, visualization, and shamanic rituals tailored to each individual that reinvigorate your natural fluidity, awakening creative energy.
Fire Tender: For igniting clarity and transformation
Invoking fire offers a direct path to transforming any negative accumulations into positive possibilities. This session offers movement, visualization, and shamanic rituals that support the release of heavy energy, opening the gateway to a place of clear vision, where we can stand in our own power with a pulse on the good of all.
Illuminated Heart: For awakening beauty and abundance
With deep listening, we filter unnecessary distractions, dissolve inner knots, and open in receptivity to our truth. When we experience the delicate balance of giving and receiving, blockages in our hearts begin to dissolve. As this happens, we’re able to generate gratitude and compassion without conditions or restrictions. This session offers movement, visualizations and shamanic practices that lead you into the pure vibrational energy of your heart.
New Moon
New Moon practices include movement, visualizations, and shamanic rituals. New Moon practices call us to pause and reflect on the seeds we are cultivating. By making space to reflect upon our deepest intentions, we create the energy necessary for their manifestation.
Through these practices, the qualities of patience, endurance, and stamina become accessible as we tap into the slow, steady rhythm of the our hearts and get connected to the pulsations and vibrations of the Earth.
Becoming grounded allows our creativity and sensuality to flow freely so we can thaw out any stiffness and reconnect with our natural fluidity.
Full Moon
Full Moon practices include movement, visualization, and shamanic rituals. The Full Moon pulls us up and out and calls us to bring what matters into light. We can then dissolve the unnecessary tensions and distractions, clarifying our deepest intentions.
Through these practices, we tend our inner Fire, which keeps us smoothly digesting life and inspires us as we face challenges and new opportunities, igniting the power of unwavering strength and clarity.
Equinox Practices
The Spring and Fall Equinox are both excellent times for assessing inner and outer balance. In the Spring, the practices are designed to invigorate what has been brewing in us all Winter and is perhaps ready to reveal itself in Summer. In the Fall, the practices support our journey into the fertile darkness of Winter.
Solstice Practices
Practices around the Summer Solstice are in celebration of the peak of light in the wheel of the year. By clarifying ourselves at this point in the wheel of the year, we have the opportunity to ask: What are we illuminating in our lives and why? Does this need shifting into better alignment with our intentions? How are we feeling or not feeling abundant in our lives?
Practices leading up to the Winter Solstice are designed to guide us into the regenerative power of the fertile darkness of Winter, an opportune time to tend our deep strength. Practices at the Winter Solstice are designed to rebirth us and inspire us with a sense of renewal as we enter the gateway of the New Year.
All private sessions are tailored to individual needs and intentions. Sessions include movement (varying from gentle to active), mantra, and meditation.
60 minute sessions: $100